First Grade Thinking and Questioning

We began our first author study! Ms. Parker helped us get excited about Dr. Seuss and his many books. We learned some new information about Dr. Seuss as an author and created a long list of questions. There is much more we want to know!
Ask you child: "What do you now know about Dr. Seuss that you didn't know before? What do you want to find out about Dr. Seuss?
Meet Dudley. He is a detective introduced to us by Ms. Ozawa. He helps us practice our deductive thinking skills. We have participated in many activities where we look for clues, resist the urge to jump to conclusions, and come up with the one right answer. We even earned our detective badges after helping him determine the mystery creatures living in Crystal Pond Woods!

Ask your child how looking at the clues in the picture helped him/her figure out the many questions surrounding this celebration. What kind of a party? Who is celebrating? Which one is Bill? What season is it? How do you know?
Ask your child about this illustration. 

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