Exploring honeybees and data

We began our study of honeybees in the IMC by asking these questions: What does a honeybee look like? Where does it live? Who are its enemies? What does a honeybee eat? What are honeybees' jobs? We then looked through books to find our answers and took notes. Ask your child which question he/she investigated and what new information he/she learned about honeybees!

Look what the Feldman family found in their tree! 

Honeycomb Cells

Dripping with yummy honey.

ABC Humane Wildlife Control saved some of the honeycomb and mounted it in a frame.

Look what else ABC Humane Wildlife Company gave the Feldmans!
Thank you to the Feldman family for sharing their artifacts. We have enjoyed seeing the honeycomb up close and smelling the delicious honey!

Collecting Data and Graphing

We identified our task, titled our graphs, sorted and counted, and represented our data in bar graph form so we could analyze our results. Ask your child what questions they asked their partners about the results!

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