Reading with Raz-Kids, The Honeybee , and Counting On with Cards


Your child was introduced to Raz-Kids this week. Raz-Kids is an interactive website that allows your child access to a wide range of e-books. Each student, within their own account, can read books, listen to books, record themselves reading, take comprehension quizzes, and earn stars toward building Raz Rockets. To access Raz-Kids, click on the icon above, access through our classroom blog,, or log in at Enter cnrossman for the teacher name, select student icon, and enter your child's password that was sent home. Happy reading!

The Honeybee

Did you and your child read The Honeybee that came home Friday? We created this non-fiction book after researching specific questions we had about honeybees, assimilating this information into "make sense" text, and illustrating to provide even more details. Your child has been a busy researcher, author, and illustrator! 

Counting on Stategy with Cards

As we explore addition concepts, cards are a great resource to practice the counting on strategy.

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