Ask your child about...

...biomimicry.  How was velcro, with its tiny hooks, invented? How did researching the flying squirrel influence the development of the wingsuit? Which external body part of the firefly influenced a more efficient way of lighting?

...our new essential question, "What creation can I design that solves a human problem by mimicking nature?"

...what animal he/she is researching to help answer our big question. How does his/her animal use its external body parts to help it survive? 

And as our garden grows, ask your child about our healthy basil and bean plants.

May 30, 2014 - 24 1/2 inches

We have babies!

Such excitement today when our nymphs hatched! Look below to see the baby praying mantises emerging from the egg sac. Ask your child about how the young praying mantises grow and what we need to do to ensure that they continue to grow and stay healthy.

What can happen in five weeks?

From a single lima bean seed...
May 19, 2014 - 20 1/2 inches

Look at our basil! Ask your child why the leaves look different.

Happy Mother's Day!

Look how our lima bean plant has grown!

May 9, 2014 - 13 inches
May 7, 2014 - 9 inches

April 28, 2014 - 5 inches

Did you plant your lima bean seeds yet?

A gift for our garden

Thanks to Ms. Ozawa we now have a praying mantis egg sac! Ask your child how this will help our garden. How many praying mantises does he/she think will emerge?

We gathered soil, sticks, moss, leaves, and insects to prepare a habitat for our future praying mantises.

Look to the top to see the egg sac hanging. Why do we hang the egg sac?
If we take care of our egg sac, this is what we expect to see in a few weeks...

And, if we care for the babies...
we will have praying mantises to help rid our garden of pesky pests!

S.T.E.A.M. Ahead With Your Kids…

Braeside School is hosting its first Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math Night on Thursday, May 8 from 6:30-8:00. Please join us for the lightning demonstration in the Character Cafe, art and science activities and exhibits in the gym, and math exploration in the main hallway.  I look forward to seeing you and your families!

Author Susan Wolff comes to visit!

Susan Wolff shared her story, Quackers Wants to Fly, about friendship and perseverance. We can't wait to read her next book from the Friends at the Pond series!